Peer reviews for learning pod 7

Hello pod 7 members! I’m glad to review your interactive learning resource for citations!

First of all, I would say you guys are showing the best way for me to learning how to use technology to improve my citation skill! As a learner who is using English as a second language, I found that it is very clear to understand what you guys are trying to teach to the students. I read a few comments on your website and found some of the comments are really helpful! This new way of learning how to do the citation is very interesting comparing to the old, boring teaching style. Everybody would participate in this learning process in an efficient way.

In the following comments, I will list the advantages and disadvantages of an article one by one to make a detailed review of your interactive learning resource assessment:


1. Overview of resource:
In this section, you guys briefly explained to us all the resources that need to be used and how it works.

2. Rationale Learning Theory:
You guys addressed all learning theories and gave readers a link to the original article. It is clear to understand.

3. Description/Rationale Learning Design:
You guys have chosen to use constructivist rationale within an open pedagogical approach to your interactive learning resource and showed us why/how are we gonna use it. You guys also made several lists to show your reasons and purposes to use this theory and made a link to one of your member’s blog post to explain what is open pedagogical learning. Good job!

4. Description learning context:
You guys giving us a description about the learning context: University students, and give a detailed list of different types of the student such as English language learners, Single parents who also work full time, and someone who are hard of hearing (Hearing loss).
In each of the tab, you guys provided some accommodations for those of students. It’s pretty detailed, helpful, and easy to understand!

5. 2-4 learning outcomes:
You guys had 4 outcomes. Each outcome was a short, easy-understandable question. In addition, there are several bullet points under each section. Learners could clearly see what they will learn and what types of exercise they would be doing at the end of the class.

6: Brief commentary about each topic/activity:
Very detailed commentaries in each section. I like the two different views of the learning style. In each view, you guys provided everything that learners will be taught. In addition, you also have some additional activities and exercises to the learners for each topic that you want to teach to the learners.

7: One interactive activity/ outcome/ topic:
I like the Cohort section under the Community of Learning bar. The learner could leave any commands, questions, and suggestions that both learners and instructors would see in the same platform. It is a very efficient interactive learning way and it is the most function that attracts me to keep learning how to citation on your website.

8: An overview of your assessment plan:
You guys set a to-do list for learners to get a better understanding of how to do citations more precisely, and set grading criteria similar to Uvic to let the student know their dominant learning outcomes.

9: Overview of the inclusive design of diverse learners:
You guys gave us 3 types of diverse learners: English language learners, Single parents who also work full time, and someone who is hard of hearing (Hearing loss), and briefly explained how they would get help in the learning process. In addition, you guys also provided some examples of people who share their experiences and diverse stories.

10. Rationale technology choices:
You guys provided several types of technology tools. Under each technology tools, there are few more selections for learners to use in the process of making citations by themselves. In addition, you guys also provided some YouTube videos for learners to get a better understanding of how to do citation works.

11: Bibliography:
Abundant references on your website, and there are several useful links on the citation page. Learners could also use their way to learn how to cite an article.

Overall, you guys did such a great job on your assignment! The detailed learning context and the fun citation game make citation interesting. I wish I could learn more in your website when you guys finish it!


Brian Cai from pod 4

Their pod assignment link:
